Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do you know anything about Peckers Mom?

We are driving home just me and my 6 year old... when out of the blue, he says "Mom, do you know anything about peckers?" If I had of had false teeth I probably would of swallowed them. but I did'nt so they stayed in. I said Well what do you want to know about Peckers? He said well do you know about them. All the while I'm thinking..... Oh boy how am I going to get out of this one....... I said well what kind of peckers do you want to know about. Thinking I'll try to talk myself out of this one.... He said you know Mom the peckers who peck on wood. : ) Whewww

I've always wanted to BLog

Just did'nt seem to have the time. But I've decided that I'm going to make the time. Maybe like therapy but a little cheaper. I've read tons of blogs over the past months and some of them I've so enjoyed........ so here goes. I hope you drop a note and let me know you have read this.. thanks